mr. J.B., Amsterdam, age 55

“I started 'pure your body' from my aim to become as healthy as possible. After preliminary research it turned out that my acid-base balance was reasonably in order but not optimal and that's why I started doing this. I have enjoyed the guidance and advice of Sylvia...

Erik L., Dental Physician, Amsterdam

“It's unprecedented, but I can move my left arm behind my back almost without pain. After more than 3/4 years of worrying, this is a pleasant change. The “Meine Base” cure has worked out very well and I have been doing it with conviction for over a week now. In the morning the...

Marielle B., Entrepreneur, Amsterdam

“I came to Sylvia through a friend because I was suffering from my body not functioning properly. Because I have always been involved in sports (tennis, hockey, volley, skating, golf, sailing, surfing) it annoyed me that everything was no longer painless and...

Jacob P., musician/violinist, Amsterdam

“Sylvia behandelt jouw als totaal mens, niet als “een” klacht die opgelost moet worden. Toen ik begon bij Sylvia dacht ik dat ik nooit meer viool zou kunnen spelen, door ernstige nek, arm en pols problemen rechts, nu 2 jaar verder ben ik nog druk aan het werk als...

Gideon S., Entrepreneur, Amsterdam

“Ben bij Sylvia Musmin terecht gekomen wegens aanhoudende rugklachten en heb drie van de vijf aangekondigde behandelingen achter me. Ik kan nu al meer rechtop lopen, ik kan nu al langer zitten en ik heb weer hoop op volledig herstel. Ik vertrouw er op dat er in de...