times & Prices

Price list

Acupuncture and Structural Integration


consultation acupuncture (60min) € 87,-
Facial rejuvenation (fresh up) € 87,-
Facial rejuvenation (session) € 157,-
Release sessie band (75 min) € 117,-
Massage therapie / S.I. (90 min) € 137,-
lessen series (9x 60 min) € 87,-
lessen series (9x 90 min) € 117,-


Gain insight into your complaint and regain your strength

All treatments and live lessons take place in Centrum Acupuncture Structural Integration at the President Kennedylaan 681 in Amsterdam.
Live classes can be followed live both on location and via zoom, a video recording of the class can be provided if you miss the class so you can catch up on your own time.

Course and class schedule

Look for our online lessons on the learning platform.

Calm, controlled and relaxed towards balance.

Bamboo Qi-gong

For peace and confidence
Wo 18:30 – 19:30
€87 per 9 lessen

Tai-chi fitness, principles and form

For flexibility and focus
Wo 19:30 – 21:00


Meditation & Yoga

For insight and clarity
Do 18:00 – 19:00
€87 per 9 lessen

For strength and appearance
Do 19:00 – 20:30
€127 per 9 lessen


The art of Chinese self-healing (Yang Sheng) see online learning platform

You can also sign up for a lesson, training or treatment via the contact page.