Yoga (9 reads)

Get to know yoga, the history of yoga and what yoga could give you.

In een cursus van 9 rustige, steeds iets intensiever wordende lessen vind u ontspanning en word uw lichaam meer flexibel. Aan de hand van een oplopende serie oefeningen, die door de ontwikkeling van yoga heen loopt, leert u ervaren wat de verschillende stijlen van yoga met uw lichaam doen en krijgt u een eerste begrip van hoe u zelf zou kunnen trainen en waarom u dat zou willen doen.

After this introduction you will have an idea about what yoga is and what it does to your body, experience with different yoga styles and a practical series of 20 exercises that you can use as a warm up and cool down to maintain your body.

This lesson series can also be used as preparation for a longer yoga trajectory of a specific style.

A follow-up trajectory could be Chinese 'daoyin' Yoga.


9 lessons of 90 minutes

Weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Acupuncture Center for Structural Integration President Kennedylaan 681 in Amsterdam.

For online courses, visit the Online Learning Platform

Products can be picked up at the practice.