Morning time 1000gr

Morgenstund based on millet and buckwheat provides a healthy and easily digestible breakfast.
Delicious as porridge with fruit and nuts, but also delicious as granola, pancakes, basic bread and as a healthy snack. With the recipes of Morgenstund you can vary endlessly.


Based on millet and buckwheat, with apple and pineapple, with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sweet almonds and amaranth, this knit has been formulated to offer a healthy breakfast that is acceptable and uniform for all people: base-forming and high in bulk, easily digestible, because it is gluten- and lactose-free and both low in cholesterol and low in purine and without added substances. Particularly nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, zinc and biotin

Products can be picked up at the practice.